Wednesday 2 May 2012

The VERY First EVER! Lady Luck Pin Up For a Day, Video Contest!

Okay ladies here it is! The long awaited contest that everyone has been talking about!

Who wants to be treated to the best girl day ever? 

Here's how it could be you:

*Take a video of you doing your very best Pin Up impression and tell us why YOU deserve to win the package that not only makes you LOOK like a star, but makes you FEEL like one too!

*You'll be judged on creativity and enthusiasm for the Pin Up world. Be creative, unique... But most of all have LOTS of fun making it.. Because honestly... You will have a heck of a lot of fun shooting with us!

*Upload your video to YouTube and send us the link -

*The top 5 finalists will be added to our Facebook page. Once your video has made it to our Facebook page, this is when you want to start recruiting your family, friends, coworkers to come on to Lady Luck's page and like your video and helping YOU to win!

 * The LUCKY winner will win a FREE session with us! Now as with all of our packages you will get the FULL treatment! Hair, makeup, wardrobe, and a set designed just for YOU!  This shoot is valued at $300!

What you will need:

* A recording device
* A complete desire to have FUN and look AMAZING!


1) Make and Upload a Video (less than ten minutes long) that shows your creativity and enthusiasm for the Pin up world! Videos must be in by midnight on May 13th, no exceptions. 

Upload your fantastic video to YouTube or Vimeo with the following specifications:

- Title the video "Lady Luck Pin up Video Contest"
- Make sure the video is designated as "public"

2) Submit it - Once your video is uploaded and ready for the world to see, you can enter your video in the "Lady Luck Pin Up For a Day" contest by sending an email with the link to the video to Please include your full name and a phone number where you can be reached. 

3) Be sure that you have "Liked" our page - in order to be entered!

4) If your video meets all of the requirements and reaches the top 5, it will appear on Lady Luck Pin Ups Facebook page between May 18th and May 20th - for open voting. The video with the most votes by midnight May 25th will win!  We will of course have something awesome for 2nd and 3rd runner ups!

If you have any questions at all, please message us on our Facebook page ( or by emailing us at:


1 comment:

  1. I am BUMMED that I didn't get to make my video in time...I had the whole Mother's Day there any way you can extend the contest, or have you already picked a winner? In which case, I will be a whiner. :D
